The Evolution of the FLOWERING LOCUS T-Like (FTL) Genes in the Goosefoot Subfamily Chenopodioideae

Štorchová H.
Evolutionary Biology - A Transdisciplinary Approach : 325-335, 2020

Keywords: Flowering, FTL genes, Chenopodium quinoa
Abstract: The assembly of the complete genome of the important cropChenopodium quinoa made possible to identify and analyze the sequences of important regulatory genes. In this review, we focused on the FLOWERING LOCUS T-like (FTL) genes– the essential factors controlling flowering in angiosperms. Chenopodium quinoa is a tetraploid, which harbors two homeolog copies of many genes including FTLs. We recognized seven FTL paralogs in C. quinoa, each of them existing in two homeolog duplicates. We constructed the phylogenetic tree depicting the relationship of C. quinoa FTL genes. We also discussed their evolution in the context of the evolution of FTL genes in flowering plants, in particular in the subfamily Chenopodioideae.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-57246-4_13 IEB authors: Helena Štorchová