Arsenic-induced response in roots of arsenic-hyperaccumulator fern and soil enzymatic activity changes

Zemanová V., Pavlíková D., Novák M., Dobrev P.I., Matoušek T., Motyka V., Pavlík M.

Klíčová slova: Phytohormone; contamination; manganese; metalloid; risk/toxic element
Abstrakt: In a pot experiment, arsenic-hyperaccumulating Pteris cretica cv. Albo-lineata plant ferns were cultivated and exposed to low and high doses of arsenate (20 and 100 mg As/kg, respectively) for six months. Physiological and morphological changes of roots, as well as changes in soil quality of the root zone and bulk soil (water-soluble fraction of elements and activity of soil enzymes), were determined. The results showed that the accumulation of inorganic As, mainly in the form of As3+, did not significantly affect the yield of roots, but caused changes in root morphology (deformation of root cell walls due to lignification) and metabolism (decrease of auxin indole-3-acetic acid and 2-oxoindole-3-acetic acid contents). Although the soil quality results varied according to the As dose, there was a clear difference between the root zone and the bulk soil. The activities of enzymes in the root zone were greater that those in the bulk soil. The results showed a significant influence of the high dose of As (100 mg As/kg), which decreased the activity of arylsulfatase, nitrate reductase, and urease in the root zone, while a decrease in acid phosphatase and nitrate reductase was observed in the bulk soil. The water-soluble fractions of As, organic nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen and organic carbon were significantly affected by the high dose of As.
DOI: 10.17221/65/2022-PSE
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Autoři z ÚEB: Petre I. Dobrev, Václav Motyka, Milan Pavlík, Veronika Zemanová