Characterization of new maize genes putatively involved in CK metabolism and their expression during osmotic stress in relation with cytokinin levels

Vyroubalová Š., Václavíková K., Turečková V., Novák O., Šmehilová M., Hluska T., Ohnoutková L., Frébort I., Galuszka P.
PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 151: 433-447, 2009

Klíčová slova:
Abstrakt: Plant hormones, cytokinins (CKs), have been for a long time considered to be involved in plant responses to stress. However, their exact roles in processes linked to stress signalization and acclimatization to adverse environmental conditions are unknown. In this study, expression profiles of the entire gene families of CK biosynthetic and degradation genes in maize (Zea mays) during development and stress responses are described. Transcript abundance of particular genes is discussed in relation to the levels of different CK metabolites. Salt and osmotic stresses induce expression of some CK biosynthetic genes in seedlings of maize, leading to a moderate increase of active forms of CKs lasting several days during acclimatization to stress. A direct effect of CKs to mediate activation of stress responses does not seem to be possible due to the slow changes in metabolite levels. However, expression of genes involved in cytokinin signal transduction is uniformly down-regulated within 0.5 h of stress induction by an unknown mechanism. cis-Zeatin and its derivatives were found to be the most abundant CKs in young maize seedlings. We demonstrate that levels of this zeatin isomer are significantly enhanced during early stress response and that it originates independently from de novo biosynthesis in stressed tissues, possibly by elevated specific RNA degradation. By enhancing their CK levels, plants could perhaps undergo a reduction of growth rates maintained by abscisic acid accumulation in stressed tissues. A second role for cytokinin receptors in sensing turgor response is hypothesized besides their documented function in CK signaling.
DOI: 10.1104/pp.109.142489 Autoři z ÚEB: Ondřej Novák