Next-generation survey sequencing and the molecular organization of wheat chromosome 6B

Tanaka, T., Kobayashi, F., Joshi, G.P., Onuki, R., Sakai, H., Kanamori, H., Wu, J., Šimková, H., Nasuda, S., Endo, T.R., Hayakawa, K., Doležel, J., Ogihara, Y., Itoh, T., Matsumoto, T., Handa, H.
DNA RESEARCH 21: 103-114, 2014

Klíčová slova: wheat; chromosome 6B; genome sequencing; next-generation sequencing
Abstrakt: Common wheat (Triticumaestivum L.) is one of the most important cereals in the world. To improvewheat quality and productivity, the genomic sequence of wheat must be determined. The large genome size (∼17 Gb/1 C) and the hexaploid status of wheat have hampered the genome sequencing of wheat. However, flow sorting of individual chromosomes has allowed us to purify and separately shotgun-sequence a pair of telocentric chromosomes. Here, we describe a result from the survey sequencing of wheat chromosome 6B(914 Mb/1 C) using massively parallel 454pyrosequencing. Fromthe 4.94 and 5.51 Gbshotgun sequence data fromthe two chromosome arms of 6BS and 6BL, 235 and 273 Mbsequenceswere assembled to cover ∼55.6 and 54.9% of the total genomic regions, respectively. Repetitive sequences composed 77 and 86%of the assembled sequenceson6BSand6BL, respectively.Within the assembled sequences,we predicted a total of 4798 non-repetitive gene loci with the evidence of expression from the wheat transcriptome data. The numbers and chromosomal distribution patterns of the genes for tRNAs and microRNAs in wheat 6B were investigated,and the results suggested a significant involvement ofDNAtransposon diffusion in the evolution of these non-protein-codingRNAgenes. Acomparative analysis of the genomic sequences of wheat 6B and monocot plants clearly indicated the evolutionary conservation of gene contents.
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Autoři z ÚEB: Jaroslav Doležel