The relationship between the resistance to water transport and the water saturation deficit in leaf tissue of kale and tobacco

Pospíšilová J.
BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 12: 78-80, 1970

Klíčová slova: resistance to water transport, kale, tobacco, WSD
Abstrakt: Abstract. Positive linear correlation between the resistance to water transport in liquid phase and water saturation deficit (w.s.d.) in the tissue of Brc~saica oleracea and Nicotiana tabacum leaves was observed. At the same values of w.s.d, corresponding values of the resistance to water transport were higher when dehydration of the leaf tissue occurred during the experiment and lower when water balance was in equilibrium or resaturation of the leaf tissue ocourred.
DOI: 10.1007/BF02920883
Autoři z ÚEB: Jana Pospíšilová